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The city is an area of great contrast, a rapidly changing and dynamic mix of grand buildings and functional back streets. A public and a private face to the world. Perhaps the grandest are the white stone buildings of banking and finance, seemingly quiet and stately, but in reality the setting for millions of transfers of money, into and out of the city. Transactions flying through every second.

In contrast, some of the smaller back streets run, largely unseen, behind the main public thoroughfares. Narrow, interconnected, and essential supply lines for the city since Victorian times.

Simple and unadorned, with few architectural flourishes: many of the buildings showing signs of weathering and age. Signs of history and regeneration can be found in bricked up doors and windows, remnants of pulleys and ironwork, traces of paint. Evidence of past occupation and use, in contrast to the modern additions, wiring, air conditioning, security systems. These places openly show the passage of time and constant change.

These streets continue to provide access for goods, services and employees. They are a vital but hidden network that fuels and connects the city, and underpins its' function.

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