I started to look at celadons in November, so have tried to draw together some of the results here, in a separate post.
Attempt 1
There is bad news on the celadon glazes, on B17C Grogged, all six came out clear. I am not sure why, the reduction firing went above cone 10, by an unknown about, but the cone was very flat. Cath thought that the glaze may have been too thinly applied. I have made another test tile, in crank clay with a thicker application, and it is awaiting bisque firing, hopefully tomorrow.
Attempt 2
Better news today, see below, I removed some of the water and the thicker application may have helped. I have used Valentines Crank, as I have a piece waiting for glaze in that material, but this has probably caused the spotting. ( I will use a stoneware glaze on that piece now). I'm glad I tested it on the same clay before applying it even though that delayed the completion of my piece. The bottom row, middle square has worked well in terms of the colour. Three of the squares appear white, the top row right hand square is a lovely glaze. I have added the exact amount of oxides, but the recipe does state how to intensify the blue colour, so that is what I will do on attempt 3. The 'house' celadon which I also tried, produced an olive green colour. This does not have the soft blue/green colours that I like.
Attempt 3
Rob stayed late to do a reduction firing of his pieces for stand and deliver and fortunately, I had two tiles at the top of the kiln. Rob said that it was difficult to get a good reduction with the kiln, but I got some colour in both of my celadon tiles.
The tile on the left is water etched, the tile on the right was inlaid with slip. Both tiles have two coats of poured glaze. I like the way the celadon has pooled in the water etched lines.
So now I have two working celadon glazes, and I can concentrate on modifying the colours and improving the application. I want to check the specific density of each, so that I can reproduce them with confidence, and also try them on different clay bodies, especially porcelain.
I am quite excited about these results, I love celadon, and it goes well with texture, so as I am planning more carving, it could be just the thing.