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Artist Statement

I am drawn to the buildings and streets of the city that I explored as a child, places where my parents and grandparents once walked. Places where I feel at home. 


Streets, buildings, and landmarks hold immense power in connecting us to our roots, our families, and our place in the world. These physical spaces serve as tangible representations of memories, and experiences, that shape who we are today.


Inspired by these familiar places, I hope to tap into the emotional, nostalgic, and communal elements of our collective history. When we recognize a building or street from our past, we are transported to a time and place that holds a significance for us.


Familiar places connect us not just to our personal histories, but also to the stories and experiences of those who came before us. They reveal the layers of history and culture that have been woven into the fabric of our communities. The weathering of time and human intervention, sometimes literally revealing the repeated touch of hands or feet on stone. They remind us that we are part of something larger than ourselves, and that our stories are intertwined with those who have come before and those who will come after.


My hope is that my work will not only capture the essence of these familiar places, but also evoke memories and emotions that bind us to our past, present, and future. In doing so, we can create a sense of shared identity, history and belonging that transcends difference and celebrates connection.

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